Charlotte Oliver

Integrated Performance Coach and Root Cause Therapist

  • Name
    Charlotte Oliver
  • Featured Since
    May 2024
  • Available For Hire

About Charlotte

I help people identifying and addressing underlying issues that hinder their performance and well-being

Empowering Change from Within.

I am a dedicated and passionate coach, specialising in root cause therapy, with a heartfelt commitment to empowering individuals to overcome obstacles and thrive. I have varying qualifications and experience which can be viewed by visiting

I have spent time living abroad, enriching my perspective and deepening my understanding of diverse cultures and human experiences. As a mother of two, I understand the complexities of balancing personal and professional responsibilities. My experience of motherhood has given me the skill of patience, resilience, and a keen sense of humour, which I weave into my coaching sessions to create a nurturing and uplifting environment.

My approach to coaching is rooted in compassion and authenticity. Drawing from my extensive training in root cause therapy, I help clients uncover the underlying factors contributing to their challenges, guiding them towards sustainable solutions and profound transformation.

As your guide we can embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth, gaining invaluable insights, reclaiming your purpose, and stepping into your fullest potential. 
In my pursuit of excellence, I  continue to expand my knowledge and skills, staying abreast of the latest developments in coaching and therapy. 

I believe that as a coach; we become a guiding light, a source of inspiration, and a catalyst for positive change. The journey to self-discovery and fulfilment becomes not only achievable but also immensely rewarding and joyous.

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