Tracey Taylor

Menopause and Money Coach

  • Name
    Tracey Taylor
  • Featured Since
    June 2023
  • Available For Hire

About Tracey

I help women who are struggling with the physical effects of perimenopause as well as the financial challenges that often come at this time. I provide them with the tools to embrace and look forward to this time in their life, while also teaching them how to develop a healthy relationship with money and create the best version of themselves.

Tracey is a 51-year-old perimenopausal woman who is the founder of Menomoney, a company that helps women who have been recently been diagnosed with perimenopause and are struggling not only with the physical effects of perimenopause but with the financial challenges that often come at this time. She is a certified financial protection adviser, a menopause coach, and an active member of the Financial Therapy Association.

She has been married for 18 years and has two children. She is passionate about helping women thrive through perimenopause and beyond. She believes that financial well-being is essential for women at all stages of life, but it is especially important during menopause.

Tracey provides the tools for women to not only embrace future wealth but also to understand the importance of developing a healthy relationship with money so they can create the best version of themselves.

Committed to helping women to reach their full potential, Tracey offers a variety of services including:
·      Keynote Speaker
·      Workshops and Individual Coaching
·      A soon-to-be-published book

She believes that every woman deserves to celebrate her mid-life
in a way that she wants and that the best investment they can make is in

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