Ditch the Death Stare, Embrace the Spotlight: How Public Speaking Can Fill Your Coaching Calendar

Josh Dykes

Hey, aspiring coaches! Ever dream of building a thriving coaching business, but the thought of public speaking makes you want to crawl under your desk and hide? You’re not alone. The fear of public speaking consistently ranks near the top of humanity’s greatest anxieties. It’s the “Stage Effect” whispering in your ear: “Who are you to stand in front of a crowd? You need years of experience and a booming voice to be a ‘real’ coach!”

Here’s the truth bomb: Public speaking can be a powerful tool for building your coaching business, even if you’re a nervous newbie. Why? Because it allows you to connect with a large audience in one fell swoop, showcase your expertise, and leave a lasting impression on potential clients – all without resorting to sleazy sales tactics. Sounds good, right?

The “STAGE” Model: Your Roadmap to Public Speaking Success (and a Full Coaching Calendar)

Let’s dissect the “STAGE” model and unlock the magic of public speaking for new coaches:

  • S is for Stories (They Sell Better Than Stats)

People connect with stories. Ditch the dry lectures filled with data and statistics. Weave compelling narratives into your presentation. Share real-life examples of client transformations, your own coaching journey, or relevant anecdotes that illustrate your key points. Remember, stories build likability, trust, and leave a lasting impression.

  • T is for Two-Way Interaction (Don’t Just Talk at Them)

Public speaking isn’t a one-way street. Engage your audience! Ask thought-provoking questions, incorporate polls or interactive elements, and encourage participation. This creates a dynamic learning experience and keeps the audience engaged.

Imagine attending a seminar. Wouldn’t you be more invested if the speaker invited your questions and addressed specific challenges from the audience? Make your talks interactive, and people will remember you.

  • A is for Authority, Not Arrogance (Stage Presence is Key)

Okay, the “Stage Effect” might have you feeling like a fraud. But confidence is crucial. Project a sense of authority, not arrogance. Maintain good posture, make eye contact with different parts of the room, and speak with conviction. Even if you’re nervous inside, appear confident on the outside.

Channel your inner Brené Brown – vulnerability is powerful, but not the same thing as self-doubt. Owning your nervousness can actually make you more relatable and engaging.

  • G is for Give Value, Not Sell (Focus on Impact)

Your public speaking platform isn’t a used car lot. Don’t be that “coach” who spends the entire time pushing their services. Focus on providing valuable content. Offer actionable insights, address common coaching challenges, and showcase your expertise.

Think of it like a delicious appetizer – it whets the appetite for the full coaching “meal” you offer, but isn’t a sales pitch disguised as a presentation. Leave the audience wanting more (and knowing where to find you!).

  • E is for Evergreen Marketing (Speaking is a Content Goldmine)

Public speaking isn’t a one-time event. Repurpose your presentation into blog posts, social media snippets, or even an online course. Use recordings to showcase your expertise on your website. Leverage your speaking engagements as valuable marketing assets.

The Takeaway: Embrace the Spotlight, Not the Stage Fright

Public speaking can be a goldmine for aspiring coaches. It allows you to connect with a large audience, build credibility, and attract potential clients – all without the pressure of a sales pitch. Embrace the “STAGE” model, focus on value and connection, and watch your coaching business blossom.

Remember, even small wins add up. Don’t wait for a stadium full of cheering fans. Start by engaging your local networking group, speaking at a friend’s online event, or even offering free coaching workshops. Just by connecting with 2-3 people from a 100+ audience, you can potentially fill your coaching calendar. So, step out of the shadows, embrace the spotlight, and watch your coaching magic unfold!

If you’re ready to overcome your limiting beliefs and become a successful coach, I encourage you to attend one of our 1-Day Coaching Diplomas to start your coaching journey. For those who want more speaking support, here is the link to our speaking training. It’ll help you to develop a plan to achieve your goals and build a successful coaching business.


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