The 3-Level Needle-Moving System for New Coaches

Josh Dykes

Let’s face it, the coaching world can be glamorous. You get to help people unlock their potential, witness life-changing transformations, and maybe even score a killer Instagram feed showcasing your #coachlife. But here’s the not-so-glamorous truth: a lot of coaches get stuck in a cycle of busywork that never actually moves the needle on their goals.

Think of it like this: imagine you’re trying to push a giant, metaphorical needle that represents your coaching success. You could spend all day rearranging your office furniture (Level 1 activity – busy but pointless) or scrolling through endless coaching hashtags (another Level 1 gem). These tasks might feel productive, but they don’t actually push the needle any closer to your goals.

Sound familiar? We’ve all been there. But fear not, fellow coaches! We’re introducing the 3-Level Needle-Moving System for New Coaches. This system will help you identify the tasks that actually matter and fast-track your journey to becoming a successful, impactful coach.

Level 1: The Comfort Zone Trap (Low Effort, Low Impact)

Ah, Level 1 – the land of endless to-do lists and busywork. These are the tasks that feel safe and familiar, like:

  • Perfecting your website for the 100th time. (Remember, as Tim Ferriss would say, “done is better than perfect.”)
  • Spending hours researching coaching niches you might never actually pursue. (Focus analysis paralysis anyone?)
  • Scrolling through social media “connecting” with potential clients. (Social media can be a valuable tool, but aim for quality over quantity.)

These activities might keep you feeling productive, but they’re essentially rearranging the deck chairs on the coaching Titanic. They don’t actually bring you closer to your goals of landing clients and making a real difference.


Map out your level 1 tasks. The things you know aren’t moving the needle that much. You don’t have to stop them completely but you certainly need to put a limit on them. Whenever you catch yourself being ‘Busy but not Productive’, try to work through tasks on level 2 or 3.

Level 2: The Sweet Spot (Medium Effort, Medium Impact)

Now we’re talking! Level 2 activities involve stepping outside your comfort zone and taking action that actually moves the needle on your coaching goals. Think of them as the “just scary enough” tasks that get you closer to your clients. Here are some Level 2 examples:

  • Creating a simple but effective coaching package. (Don’t overcomplicate it!) and offer it when you are speaking with people. It shouldn’t scare you too much and at this early stage, should be simple to explain.
  • Crafting a short and engaging bio that speaks to your ideal client. (This is your elevator pitch!)
  • Reaching out to potential clients for free consultations. (Talk about getting out of your comfort zone, right?)

These activities are a great balance between effort and impact. They require a bit of bravery (think public speaking jitters), but the rewards are worth it. Here’s the cherry on top: Level 2 activities can actually boost your confidence, propelling you towards even bigger wins.


Map out your level 2 tasks. There are some examples above. Ideally, these are things that get you networking with your potential audience, speaking to potential clients and creating foundations that can lead to future work (collaborations, partnerships, etc). Make those big decisions.

Level 3: The Breakthrough Zone (High Effort, High Impact)

Are you ready to take things up a notch? Level 3 activities are the big guns, the needle-movers that can propel your coaching business to new heights. But be warned, they usually come with a healthy dose of fear and anxiety. Here’s what we’re talking about:

  • Organising a workshop or event to showcase your expertise. (Think public speaking on steroids!)
  • Public Speaking. This is the hidden gem for many coaches and business owners. Telling your story or offering insights from the stage gives you the ‘Stage Effect’, added credibility and a chance for you to seem like the expert in the room that everyone wants to talk to
  • Investing in paid advertising to reach a wider audience. (This can feel like a leap of faith, but it can pay off big time if you have some extra cash and are willing to do some testing.)
  • Guest blogging on high-traffic websites in your niche. (Getting your name out there to a wider audience and creating relationships with experts.)

Level 3 activities demand courage and hustle, but they have the potential to catapult you past your competition. Remember, as Neil Patel, the marketing guru, says, “You don’t get what you don’t ask for.” So, don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and chase those big wins. You may be surprised at what happens.

There could be a client out there waiting for your help. Your job is to make yourself easy to find and to support them with their goals. Have courage, you can do this!

Josh Dykes – The SPEAKup Challenge


Map out your level 3 tasks. What are the big ‘Needle Moving Tasks’? The scary stuff you know will make an impact on your goals. Aim for at least one of these every week.

The Takeaway: Escape La La Land and Move the Needle!

Here’s the key takeaway: a successful coaching business requires a healthy balance of Level 1, 2, and 3 activities. Don’t get sucked into the Level 1 trap of endless busywork. Instead, identify your Level 2 sweet spot and start taking action to connect with potential clients. As you gain confidence and experience, embrace the challenges of Level 3 activities to truly fast-track your coaching success.

The interesting thing about this system is that once you start doing things that move the needle, you are going to build confidence and competence. This will lead to you wanting to do more things and be more likely to be communicating with your ideal clients. You may even be surprised that you pick up some clients along the way!

Bonus Tip: Embrace the Procrastination Monster (But Don’t Let Him Win)

As Tim Urban eloquently describes in his epic Wait But Why blog post, procrastination is a sneaky little beast that loves to sabotage our best intentions. But instead of fighting it head-on, why not embrace it?

Think of procrastination as a curious little creature that wants to understand your fears and anxieties. Instead of berating it, try to understand what it’s trying to tell you. Perhaps it’s signaling that you’re overwhelmed, or that you’re afraid of failure.

Once you understand the root of your procrastination, you can start to address it. Break down those big, scary tasks into smaller, more manageable steps. Reward yourself for completing tasks, no matter how small. And most importantly, don’t let the procrastination monster derail your coaching journey.

Remember, the coaching world is full of opportunities, but only those who are willing to step outside their comfort zone and take action will reap the rewards. So, escape the La La Land of endless busywork, embrace the needle-moving system, and start building the coaching business of your dreams.

If you’re ready to overcome your limiting beliefs and become a successful coach, I encourage you to attend one of our 1-Day Coaching Diplomas to start your coaching journey. For those who want more speaking support, here is the link to our speaking training. It’ll help you to develop a plan to achieve your goals and build a successful coaching business.


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