The Creative Procrastinator’s Guide to Launching Your Coaching Business (Finally!)

Josh Dykes

Have you ever found yourself brimming with excitement about launching your coaching business? You devour articles on marketing, brainstorm catchy slogans, and meticulously craft the perfect logo. But when it comes to actually taking that first step – like connecting with potential clients – you suddenly hit a wall?

Welcome to the world of the creative procrastinator. You’re passionate, resourceful, and driven to create something incredible. But somewhere between perfecting your website and diving deep into the latest coaching techniques, action gets put on hold.

This blog is for you, the coach with a head full of ideas but a calendar lacking concrete action steps. We’re here to bust the myth that learning and action are mutually exclusive. In fact, we’ll show you how to leverage your creativity to get unstuck and finally launch your dream coaching business.

Are You a Creative Procrastinator? Take the Quiz!

Before we dive into strategies, let’s see if you’ve fallen into the creative procrastination trap. Answer these questions with a “yes” or “no”:

  • Do you find yourself constantly researching marketing techniques but struggle to implement them?
  • Does your excitement for learning new coaching skills outweigh your efforts to find clients?
  • Do you spend more time perfecting your website design than outlining your coaching packages?

If you answered “yes” to several questions, it’s time to break free from the cycle. Here’s why creative procrastination holds you back:

1. Paralysis by Analysis:

The constant learning and tweaking can make you feel overwhelmed. You might find yourself waiting for the “perfect” moment to launch, which can lead to inaction.

2. Fear of Failure:

Procrastination can be a coping mechanism for the fear of not being good enough. By delaying action, you subconsciously protect yourself from potential rejection.

3. Shiny Object Syndrome:

New coaching techniques, courses, and marketing strategies pop up all the time. Chasing after the latest trend keeps you busy but doesn’t necessarily move you forward.

How to Turn Procrastination into Progress:

Now that you understand the roadblocks, let’s turn your creativity into a powerful launchpad. Here are five actionable steps to transform your procrastination into progress:

1. Embrace the “Done is Better Than Perfect” Mindset:

Stop striving for perfection. Aim for “good enough” in the beginning. Remember, you can always refine your website copy, coaching programs, and marketing strategies as your business grows.

2. Set SMART Goals:

Specificity is key. Ditch the vague “get more clients” goal. Instead, set Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound goals. For example, “I will connect with five potential clients through LinkedIn by the end of the week.” Here is a deeper dive into setting SMART Goals

3. Break Down Your Launch into Manageable Tasks:

Don’t try to do everything at once. Create a to-do list with small, actionable steps. Start with the most important task, and schedule time in your calendar to complete it.

4. Batch Your Learning:

Instead of constantly hopping from one course to the next, allocate specific times for learning. Dedicate a few hours each week to exploring new coaching techniques or marketing strategies.

5. Celebrate Small Wins:

Recognise and acknowledge your progress, no matter how small. This will keep you motivated and focused on achieving your bigger goals.

Procrastination Can Be Productive (Yes, Really!)

Here’s a surprising twist: Creative procrastination can actually be a valuable tool in your launch journey.

  • Research: Use your information-gathering skills to research your ideal client, market trends, and competitor strategies. This knowledge will inform your marketing efforts and coaching packages.
  • Brainstorming: Don’t stifle your creative energy! Channel it into brainstorming marketing ideas, unique coaching programs, and catchy taglines.

The Key is Balance:

The key lies in balancing your love for learning with taking action. Set “learning blocks” within your schedule, but also dedicate time to take concrete steps towards your coaching business launch.

Action-Packed Resources for the Aspiring Coach:

Ready to take action? Here are some resources that will help you move from brainstorming to client conversations:

  • The Ultimate Guide to Becoming a Life Coaching: Learn proven strategies for starting and growing your life coaching venture and attracting your ideal clients. Click here
  • Facebook Marketing Support: Discover how to craft a simple and effective marketing plan for your coaching business.

If you’re ready to overcome your limiting beliefs and become a successful coach, I encourage you to attend one of our 1-Day Coaching Diplomas to start your coaching journey. For those who want more speaking support, here is the link to our speaking training. It’ll help you to develop a plan to achieve your goals and build a successful coaching business.


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