Creating a Remarkable Offer For Your Coaching Busines

Josh Dykes

Cracking the Customer Value Proposition Code: Turning Prospects into Raving Fans

Ah, the elusive customer value proposition (CVP). It’s like the Holy Grail of marketing, the whispered secret that unlocks the gates to customer loyalty and bottomless sales. But for many businesses, crafting a CVP that crackles with clarity and magnetizes prospects is just as mythical as a singing sword.

Fear not, fellow entrepreneurs! Today, we’re demystifying the CVP jungle with a step-by-step guide that’ll transform your value proposition from a bland “me too” to a siren song that makes wallets scream “take my money!”

What is a CVP?

A customer value proposition (CVP) is a concise statement that summarises the primary reason why a customer should choose your product or service over its competitors. It highlights the unique benefits your offering provides and how it solves a specific problem or addresses a specific need for your target audience.

Step 1: Know Thy Customer (Like Seriously, Get In Their Head)

Think of your CVP as a love letter to your ideal customer. But before you pen your ode, you need to understand their deepest desires, their greatest anxieties, and their secret sauce. A study by McKinsey & Company found that 70% of customers are willing to pay more for a brand that provides a compelling emotional experience. So, go beyond demographics and tap into their emotional drivers. Do they crave security? Innovation? A sense of belonging? Dig deep, because this is the foundation of your value proposition.

Example: Instead of saying “We sell software,” a fitness app might say, “We help busy professionals conquer their fitness goals and feel confident rocking that swimsuit, even if they haven’t seen the gym since the Clinton administration.” Boom! Emotional connection established.

Step 2: Define Your Unique Value (Not Just Another Brick in the Wall)

The market is a crowded battlefield. So, what makes your offering the Excalibur that your customers need? Identify your unique selling proposition (USP), the magic sauce that sets you apart from the bland burger of your competitors. It could be your innovative technology, your unparalleled customer service, or your secret recipe for catnip-infused marketing materials.

Example: An eco-friendly cleaning service might say, “We don’t just clean homes, we make them sparkle with natural, non-toxic products that are safe for your family and the planet. Plus, we plant a tree for every clean, because saving the Earth is kinda hot.” See? Unique and earth-hugging all in one sentence.

Step 3: Translate Value into Benefits (Because Features Don’t Pay the Bills)

Features are cool, but benefits are the real currency of customer interaction. What tangible improvements does your product or service bring to your customer’s life? Will it save them time? Make them feel empowered? Help them achieve their dreams of becoming a TikTok dance sensation? Focus on the specific outcomes your offering delivers, not just the technical specs.

Example: A language learning app might say, “Forget boring textbooks! Master Spanish while laughing your pants off with our hilarious interactive lessons. You’ll be ordering churros like a pro in no time, or your money back (but seriously, you won’t need it).” Features with a side of fiesta – now that’s a benefit to salsa about!

Step 4: Craft Your Compelling CVP (The Mic Drop Moment)

Now, it’s time to weave your understanding of your customer, your unique value, and the benefits you offer into a clear, concise, and irresistible statement. Think of it as your elevator pitch on steroids. It should be memorable, easy to understand, and packed with emotion.

Example: Remember our fitness app? This is where they unleash their CVP: “Unleash your inner warrior and conquer your fitness goals with [app name]. No judgment, just personalized workouts, a supportive community, and the confidence to rock that bikini like a boss lady (or boss dude, we don’t discriminate).” Short, punchy, and speaks directly to their ideal customer’s desires.

Step 5: Test, Refine, Repeat (Because Perfection is a Myth)

Your CVP isn’t set in stone. It’s a living, breathing document that needs to evolve with your customers and the market. A/B test different versions, gather feedback, and refine your message until it resonates like a Beyoncé concert. Remember, your CVP is a conversation starter, not a Shakespearean sonnet. Keep it clear, concise, and focused on the value you deliver.

Bonus Tip: Don’t forget the call to action! Tell your audience what you want them to do next, whether it’s downloading a free trial, scheduling a consultation, or joining your catnip-infused marketing campaign (that might be a stretch, but you get the point).

There you have it, folks! The CVP code cracked, customer loyalty unlocked, and sales on the rise. Remember, your CVP is more than just a sentence; it’s the story of your brand and the promise you make to your customers.

If you’re ready to overcome your limiting beliefs and become a successful coach, I encourage you to attend one of our 1-Day Coaching Diplomas to start your coaching journey. It’ll help you to develop a plan to achieve your goals and build a successful coaching business. You can also find our beginners guide to becoming a coach here.


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